Our firm is established in many sectors, including the iron & steel industry, pharmaceuticals, transport, energy, luxury, finance, and the media, as well as employers’ federations.
With their cross-cutting, complementary skills, our lawyers are able to provide wide-ranging expertise.
Areas of expertise
Management and support in restructuring operations
Mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, corporate spin-offs, subcontracting, employment protection plans
Law and practice in the field of individual and collective labor relations
Collective bargaining, employee representation, working time organization, management of contractual relations
Labor and criminal risk management
Criminal liability of directors, delegations of authority
URSSAF (French social security) litigation, occupational injuries or diseases, gross negligence
« As a key player in collective bargaining and restructuring practice, our firm is able to meet the needs of each company in terms of operations, litigation and strategy. »